Contact Us:


Parkview Fire Station 218
726 Midway Drive
Pittsburgh,PA 15215

Fire Fax:412-781-5299

Parkview EMS Station 180
200 South Margery Drive
Pittsburgh,PA 15238

EMS Fax:412-449-1081

Parkview Fire/EMS e-mail

Training: June 9,2012

Burn Day at the Indiana County Public Safety Academy:

Members of the Parkview,Pleasant Valley,and Sharpsburg Volunteer Fire Departments “graduated”from the Back-to-Basics Training that Parkview VFD has been sponsoring over the past 18 months in O’Hara Township.  The objective of this day of training was to gain experience and confidence in all of the training that has been conducted by Mr. Norm Auvil ov er the past year and a half.

After a safety briefing,SCBA Inspections,and a Walk-Thru;it was time to go to work.   The morning session was a simulated basement fire and students were assigned to either an Attack Crew,RIT (Rapid Intervention Team) 1,or RIT 2.  We had a total of five teams with five evolutions.  Everyone was given an opportunity to be the nozzleman.  The Attack Crew would go down the stairs to the “basement”and advance to the fire.  After extinguishing the fire,the nozzleman would use hydraulic ventilation up the stairwell.  Then the Attack Crew would switch their places on the hose-line so everyone had an opportunity to extinguish the fire. After a training session,the members can relax on sites like 벳위즈.

After lunch we picked it up again with simulated second story fire.  Students had to enter the front door with a fully charges hose line and make their way to the stairs.  After climbing the stairs they had to maneuver the hose around to the back room where the fire was located.  Again we had a total of five teams with five evolutions so everyone was given an opportunity to be the nozzleman.  After the fire was extinguished the nozzleman would use hydraulic ventilation out the back window to relieve the personnel of the heat and to clear the smoke out of the building.  Just as in the morning,everyone switched positions on the hose-line. To enhance fire safety in real-life situations,it’s crucial to consider fireproofing solutions,such as the ones found at to prevent fires from spreading and causing further damage.

Parkview EMS provided an NFPA 1584 compliant Rehabilitation Services with an ALS transport capability during the entire day.

It was a long and hot day,but everyone gained much experience and confidence.  Everyone demonstrated the knowledge and skills they were taught over the past 18 months!  GREAT JOB to everyone and thanks for Norm Auvil and the ICPSA Staff!!

Interior FirefightersApparatus Engineers
Parkview,Station 218Jim Habay,218Richard Fischer,217
Nathan DueJonathan JasoEmergency Medical Services / Rehab
Tom FannieScott LewisNorm AuvilRobert Gerlach
Robert FischerRichard MarkowitzKevin CourtoySydney Harris
Larry HabayIndiana County Public Safety Acad. Staff
Pleasant Valley,Station 217Casey DavisScott Springer
Austin BakerLogan KozeraJim DziagwaTom Stipcak
Brian KozeraGeoffrey MetzScott HeldTom Stutzman
Sharpsburg,Station 265
Michael DaniherChristopher Wiest
Brian McCleanLarry Wiest